
a 1950s 21st Birthday Party

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Dami said...

nice. why don't boys ever stick to the dress code? i hope u were looking dapper!

Wale said...

a couple of guys tried...but how did guys dress up in the 50s?

MissJ said...

I'm feeling the antiquated sephora effect you have going on with the photos. And as far as the '50s theme, what a welcome break from all this abusively colorful decadence of the 1980s I see everywhere these days. I was born in the '80s and that's the only thing I like about it!


Anonymous said...


Moose said...
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Moose said...

nice pictures editor!

Unknown said...

Wow. Nice... is the word

Good work.... WalePhotos.